Suggested Family Activity • Tie 🍥 Dye

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Suggested Family Activity • Tie 🍥 Dye

Tie-dye patterns have been a popular Do-It-Yourself option for upgrading plain T- shirts for decades.  Today, the method remains a stylish and affordable way to express your creativity with splashes of color.  This weekend, why not get the whole family involved in tie-dying fun and colorful items to wear?  The activity does not require many supplies – a piece of clothing and some tie dye solution are the main things you will need.  Tie dye solution (Ritz is the most popular) can be found at most discount stores in a variety of colors for just a few dollars.  Some solutions require you to submerge the item in the dye, so you’ll need a large bucket or plastic container if you purchase that kind.  Other types are in smaller bottles that give you more precision with how you apply various colors all at once.  You will need something to use to wrap around your items to make the white parts of your design.  Rubber bands are commonly used for this, but you can also experiment with making smaller, more intricate designs with tightly bound twine or string.  Don’t forget to protect your workspace with newspaper or plastic to avoid stains (or try the activity outside for stress-free fun).