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Suggested Family Activity: Summer Reading and Nature Photography Day

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Suggested Family Activity: Summer Reading and Nauture Photography Day

Have you checked out one our Summer Reading Program Story Walks yet?  Story Walks are outdoor reading experiences where a children’s book is presented via plastic signs at various points along a walking trail.  Participants walk the trial, stopping at each sign to read the pages of the story.  NERL is proud to partner with our local communities to present Story Walks at walking trails in Belmont, Blue Mountain, Booneville, Burnsville, Corinth, Iuka, Ripley and Tishomingo.  (For a listing of all locations with addresses and other information, check out the Story Walk information on our Summer Reading Program main page.)

NERL Library Director Dee Hare (L), and Librarian Stacy Hull (R) set up the Blue Mountain StoryWalk with Blue Mountain Mayor Doug Norton.

The Story Walk at the walking trail at the Fred and Elizabeth Smith Sportsplex in Ripley features the wildly funny Click Clack Moo by Dorren Cronin with illustrations by Betsy Lewin.  To discover what happens when Farmer Brown’s animals find an old typewriter and start making demands for better treatment, check out the Story Walk or watch NERL Director Dee Hare’s recording of this title on Friday.

Today is also Nature Photography Day so get outside today and take some pictures of the great things to be found in the natural world around us.  Maybe you’ll take pictures at one of our Story Walks, at a nearby national park, or in your yard, playing with your favorite pet.  Whatever pictures you take, don’t forget to share them with us at