Suggested Family Activity: Summer Reading Activity Packets!

Suggested Family Activity: Summer Reading Activity Packets!
For the next two weeks, our Summer Reading Program activity packets for ages 6 and under and ages 7 to 11 will have the supplies to make a farm animal out of a brown lunch bag. You will be randomly given pieces to make either a pig, cow, bunny, or duck so pick one up today! The content creators at DLTK Crafts for Kids have turned a paper bag into funny horse puppet. Check out their instructions and templates here to see how they did it. (If you do not have a printer at home, just ask your local librarian to print the template out for you. Since it is for Summer Reading Program activities, we will not charge you for the copies!) The website also has a very simple way to turn your child’s handprint into a fluffy sheep using construction paper and cotton balls. Check it out here: It can be fun to turn the outline of children’s hands into a variety of cute animals – you can either trace around them or cover their palms and fingers with paint to ‘stamp’ onto a piece of paper. If you use that method and stamp their hand with brown paint, they can draw a head opposite their thumb to turn it into a cow or horse. Or use another color to turn it into a pig or chicken!