Suggested Family Activity • National Pet 🐕 Fire 🔥 Safety Day

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Suggested Family Activity • National Pet 🐕 Fire 🔥 Safety Day

Today is National Pet Fire Safety Day, a day set aside each year to help us to remember a few safety tips concerning our pets and the hazards of fire.  Our pets are treasured members of our families and we would do anything to keep them safe.  The ASPCA offers the following tips (additional information can be found on their website at

Keep a close eye on pets while you have candles lit or around other open flames, such as in fireplaces, heaters, and stoves.  Their tails could accidentally get into the flame. If your pets are often left unattended in your home while you are at work and children are at school, get in the habit of removing the knobs from your stove when you are not using it so that they do not accidentally turn anything on.  (This is also a good idea if you have a new toddler or very young children in your home.)  For pets who stay outside, use metal or plastic water bowls instead of ones made of glass.  The hot Mississippi sun could cause a fire to ignite nearby as the sun’s rays are channeled through the glass.

Put a sign in your windows that tells how many pets are living inside.  In the event of a fire, this will give firefighters the information they need to make sure everyone is safely removed from a fire.  In the event of a fire while your family is at home, keep pet leashes and collars near the entrance to your home so that they can be found quickly.  Also have a plan so that each family member knows which pet they are responsible for carrying out of the house.

Don’t forget that we would love to see pictures of you and your family members reading out loud to your pets this summer!  Send them to

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