Suggested Family Activity • National Food 🍴🥔 Bank Day
Today is National Food Bank Day, a day set aside each year to encourage people to help at their local food banks. Maybe you can donate cash or nonperishable food items to a local food bank. Or maybe you can donate your time to volunteer to sort donated items or hand them out. Whatever you choose to do, your efforts will be appreciated by those in need.
Now is also a good time to get a head start on colder weather by pulling out all your long sleeve shirts, jeans and pants, coats, sweaters, hats, scarves, thick socks, gloves, and mittens to get them organized for winter. As you are getting the items organized, check to see what items your family may have outgrown or do not want to wear anymore. Don’t forget to also check to see if anyone has too many of certain items, such as socks. While you are cleaning out and taking stock of your winter clothes, you can also go through other items in your home to see what you do not want or need anymore. Any ‘extras’ can be donated to groups and organizations who pass items along to those who need them.