Suggested Family Activity • National Color Day 🌈

Published by Library Staff on

Today is National Color Day 🌈 a day to celebrate all the beautiful color that is around us.  Did you know that color can affect your mood or the way you feel about something?  Red, for example, is often used to show excitement, while blue is considered a calming color.  What is your favorite color?  Often, we use color in our home 🏠 to reflect our creativity 🎨 or we pick our favorite colors to wear on our clothing or on our belongings to reflect our personality.

One way to celebrate color today is to … well, color 🖍 Whether you use crayons, colored pencils ✏ markers or paint 🖌 you can celebrate all the shades rain of color found in the world.  Coloring as a relaxing hobby is not just for children anymore either.  Adults and teens are also enjoying the fun with coloring books and sheets made just for them.  There are lots of great coloring sheets available in NERL’s October activity packets – have you picked up yours at your local library yet?  We even have teen and adult coloring sheets that have fall and Halloween 🎃 themes so get yours today!

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