Suggested Family Activity • Learn with Easter Eggs

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Plastic Easter eggs make great learning tools for young children.  In addition to using them to identify colors, if your young ones are just learning the letters of the alphabet, print an upper-case letter on one piece of an egg and a lower-case on the other piece.  Mix all the pieces up and then help children find the matching pairs.

Another fun idea is to put a letter on one piece of an egg and a sticker with a picture of something that starts with that letter on the other piece, such as “B” for bunny.  Yet another fun learning idea is to write several letters on one piece of an egg, such as “b”, “c” and “m”.  On the other piece of the egg, write other letter sound combinations such as “at”, “an”, etc.  Then rotate the pieces of the egg to show children how to make words, such as “bat”, “cat”, “man”, etc., using the letter and sound combinations.