Suggested Family Activity • Drawing 🎶 Lyrics

Published by Library Staff on

A fun activity today that will encourage your child’s language and storytelling skills, as well as their creativity, starts by pulling out some paper and crayons or markers.  Pick one of your child’s favorite songs to sing (or let them pick) and start drawing a simple picture of what is happening in the lyrics as you sing.  Draw just one part and then take turns with your child filling in additional parts.

Here are some examples to get you started:  If you sing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” you will take turns drawing stars, the night sky, and a diamond.  If you sing “The Itsy-Bitsy Spider,” you will draw the spider, rain, the waterspout, the sun, etc.  If your child loves the “Baby Shark” song, you will draw all different sizes of the sharks in the song.  And for a long drawing session, you could even sing “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” and draw all the animals mentioned.  After you have taken turns drawing, encourage your child to use their own imagination and draw a picture on their own as you sing or even make up their own song to sing and draw a picture of what is happening in it.