Suggested Family Activity 🧊 Frozen Toys

Published by Library Staff on

For just a little taste of water fun, try this fun activity that can be adapted for children of all ages.  For toddlers and young children, grab some small plastic toys (sea animals like whales, sharks, and fish) and put one in each compartment of an ice tray.  Fill the tray with water and then put the tray in the freezer until it is solid.  Once it’s frozen, let kids figure out ways to release the items.  Maybe they will put it in a patch of sun to use the sun’s heat to free their animal.  Little ones may even try to gnaw the item loose so this activity should always have adult supervision!  To make the activity more challenging for older kids, freeze items (plastic toys or maybe even coins) in a larger plastic container so that the items take longer to get out.  If you have several kids gathered, they can even have a race with hairdryers or other methods to see who can melt the ice the fastest.