Suggested Family Activity 🥞 Better Breakfast Month

Published by Library Staff on

September is Better Breakfast Month.  Taking time to eat breakfast can have helpful health benefits, as many nutritionists believe that starting your day by eating a regular morning meal can help control weight by setting a pattern of eating smaller, healthy meals throughout the day.  Eating first thing in the morning also gives our bodies energy to get through our day.  Children who have a healthy breakfast before school often think more clearly and behave better while they are at school.

A great breakfast should contain a balance of all the major food groups – protein, dairy, fat, and carbohydrates. Including some of each in your breakfast will help you to make it to your next meal without resorting to mindless snacking.  It also may help improve your family bonding if your family makes a habit of  grabbing a quick bite to eat together each morning before everyone heads out the door.