Suggested Family Activity 🏅 Summer Olympics

Published by Library Staff on

Take inspiration from the Summer Olympics to get your family moving around: Teach young children to do a flip, handstand, or a cartwheel like gymnasts or place a piece of painter’s tape on the floor to mimic a balance beam or tightrope and let them try to walk from one end to the other without ‘falling off’.  Tie lengths of ribbon or crepe paper tied to a stick to mimic the artistic swirls of rhythmic gymnastics or see how they move with a hula hoop.  Children can even mimic Olympic weightlifters by having competitions to see who can lift a can of vegetables or soup (the larger the better) the most times.  Track and field events are also popular Olympic sports, so let them compete to see who can run the fastest, jump the highest, or throw a frisbee the farthest.  You can even make small hurdles (pillows work well to prevent injuries) for them to jump over.