Suggested Family Activity 🎄 Candy Cane Christmas Ornament

It’s very easy to make a candy cane ornament with a skein each of red and white embroidery floss and a pipe cleaner. (You could also use yarn or cord in those colors – the thicker materials would also be easier for little fingers to grasp.) Take the paper wrapping off the skeins of floss and snip each looped end to make two bunches (but you’ll only be using one bunch of each color). Tie one bunch of red and one bunch of white in a single knot at the top of the pipe cleaner. Starting at the top, twist the colors around the pipe cleaner to make the candy cane stripes. When you get to the end, make another knot and trim either the floss or the pipe cleaner as necessary. Now all that is left is to bend the top into a hook shape and add a ribbon or yarn hanger.