Suggested Family Activity ⚽ Beach Ball

Published by Library Staff on

You can do a lot of fun things with a beach ball, even if you can’t get to an actual beach.  And since beach balls can be found at most dollar stores, it doesn’t take much money to buy several for your family’s enjoyment.  One thing you can do is take masking tape and write down silly ways to throw a ball.  Put one piece of tape on each ball and use enough balls for however many people you have playing the game.  You can write down actions such as throwing it through your legs, throwing it with your eyes closed, or hitting it with your head.  Gather everyone in a circle and start the balls passing around.  When you catch one, you must throw it using whatever silly way is taped on it.

You can also set up color coded targets for you kids to practice throwing or kicking the beach ball.  Or hang a beach ball from a tree and challenge your kids to jump up and touch it.  If you just have one child playing with the beach ball, they could see how many times they can throw the ball up in the air and catch it or see how many balls they can carry at once without dropping any of them.