
- Collection Development Mission Statement and Policy
- Freedom to Read Statement
- Library Bill of Rights
- Mission Statement for Technology
A borrower may check out as many books and non-book materials as he or she wishes during one checkout.
Popular paperbacks are available for checkout or trade at most branches. You do not need a library card to use these. Please tell the Library staff how many you have taken so they may be added to the circulation statistics.
Games, toys, and puppets are available in limited supply at some branches. Inquire at the specific branch. One branch, the Iuka Library, offers a collection of cake pans for checkout.
The Library is pleased to provide a wide selection of DVDs and videocassettes for patrons in all of its branches. DVDs and videos are chosen by librarians in the same manner as books and other materials, based on a selection policy designed to assist library personnel in making the best choices for each community. The range of subject matter and level of understanding is very broad and includes children’s classics, educational and instructional films, family features, and films designed for mature audiences. We ask that parents concerned about their children’s video selections exercise the same caution that they do in monitoring their children’s book selections.
All materials are loaned at no charge and available to all, regardless of age or background. One exception is the test preparation books for which a small refundable deposit is required. The library supports the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and therefore does not censor or exclude any material, either whole or in part. The library does not act in loco parentis.
– In order that we may serve everyone, computer use is limited to one hour per session. Please check at the front desk if you wish to sign up for additional time. Additional time will be given provided no one is waiting.
– You may reserve a computer ahead of time by calling your local branch library.
– There is a limit of 2 users on one computer at any time unless special permission is given by the Library staff.
– Printed pages are 25 cents each. Please tell the Library staff before selecting the “print- option. You are responsible for paying for all pages that print. If you need help, please see the Library staff before printing.
– The Library’s computers are designed to prevent storage of data on the hard drives. You may plug your flash drive into the computer’s USB port if you wish.
– Children and use of the Library’s computers: Children 5 and under must be accompanied by an adult in order to use the computers. Please respect the privacy of those around you by keeping children reasonably quiet during your use of the computers. Children 14 and under must have their parents’ permission to use the computers.
– The Northeast Regional Library complies with the requirements of the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA). The library’s computers are filtered through the library’s internet provider, AT&T. However, every user has a responsibility to refrain from accessing, or attempting to access, graphically offensive sites on the Library’s computers. User privileges may be lost permanently if a user is observed attempting to access such sites by the Library staff.
(Note: A copy of the Northeast Regional Library’s Acceptable Use Policy is on file at the circulation desk for anyone who wishes to read it.)
Anyone living in one of the four counties of Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, or Tishomingo is eligible for a free library card. In addition, the Northeast Regional Library maintains an agreement with Lee County by which any resident of that county may obtain a library card at no cost. Anyone living outside this five-county area may obtain a library card for a $12 annual fee.
Library cards are issued to anyone aged six and older. A parent must sign in order for any child through the age of 14 to have a library card. Individuals aged 15 and above may sign their own applications.
You may check out books, DVDs, CDs, videos, and all other circulating materials on the day you apply for a library card.
You may register for a card at any branch. Your card is good at any one of the thirteen Northeast Regional Library branches. Proof of residence is required at the time you register. A driver’s license, utility bill, or other receipt is considered proof of residence. You should present your library card every time you wish to check out items from the library.
Books and audio books are checked out for a two week period and may be renewed twice provided nobody is waiting for them. Videos and DVDs are checked out for a two day period and may be renewed as necessary provided nobody is waiting for them. Each renewal is for the original checkout period – two weeks for books and audios, two days for videos. Renewals may be made either in person or over the telephone. It is not necessary to call the branch where the item was checked out: any branch, with the exception of Chalybeate which is not online, can renew items.
The Northeast Regional Library values its users and welcomes all present and future users to any of its thirteen branch libraries.
Each user has the right to expect to be greeted courteously, to receive prompt and effective service, to have his or her information needs met in a professional manner, and to be treated fairly, equally, and without bias.
In return, the library staff has the right to expect the cooperation of all users in adhering to library policy on conduct and behavior while making use of the library’s many resources.
In order to ensure the comfort and safety of all users, the Northeast Regional Library prohibits the following behaviors inside all library buildings and on library grounds:
– Damage to/theft of library materials, equipment, or property
– Smoking or using tobacco in any form
– Drinking alcoholic beverages or using any controlled substance
– Exhibiting altered behavior due to alcohol or drug use
– Consumption of food or beverages except when attending special events in a designated area of the library
– Speaking loudly enough to disturb others, including cell phone use
– Using any personal electronic equipment, including cell phones, MP3 players, computers, etc. at a volume that disturbs others
– Harassing others, either through actions or verbally, including use of profanity or other inappropriate or rude language toward library patrons or staff
– Participating in fighting and other altercations inside or outside the library on library property
– Carrying unauthorized weapons of any sort
– Interfering with access to the library by others
– Blocking or in any way interfering with the free movement of anyone in the library
– Misusing or causing damage to restroom facilities
– Using emergency exits for non-emergency departures
– Leaving children unattended inside or outside the library
– Allowing children in one’s care to behave disruptively or destructively
– Wearing inadequate or insufficient clothing
– Engaging in inappropriate displays of affection, sexual activity, or indecent exposure
– Bringing animals into the library except for service animals for the disabled or animals featured in special library events
– Soliciting or selling, whether for personal gain or charitable purposes
– Distributing literature, taking surveys, or asking patrons or staff to sign petitions or similar activities except as part of special projects sponsored by the library
– Rearranging furniture or equipment without prior authorization from library staff
– Skateboarding, rollerblading, bicycling on library property
– Refusing to relinquish a public computer when one’s time has expired and others are waiting
As part of its program of service, the Northeast Regional Library makes meeting rooms at its branches available free of charge for use by the public. Generally any civic, cultural, educational, philanthropic, or public information program or meeting can take place at the library, space permitting. Branches that have meeting rooms have varying amounts of space available.
The Northeast Regional Library does not discriminate in making its meeting spaces available for use on the basis of viewpoints expressed by users or the race, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliations, or physical limitations of its users. The Library’s policy on meeting room use is based on Article 6 of the Library Bill of Rights: “Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.”
– Library sponsored events and programs
– Meetings and programs sponsored by local clubs and organizations
– Meetings and programs sponsored by regional or national clubs and organizations for the purpose of informing or educating local residents
– Classes, seminars, “how-to- demonstrations, and other instructional programs
– Art exhibits, craft demonstrations, flower shows, etc
– Private social functions
– Commercial enterprises promoting the sale of goods or services for monetary gain
– Sales presentations of any kind unless 100% of the profit is given to the library
– Religious services or training, whether non-denominational or focused on one particular denomination
– Programs which are not suitable for the Library’s physical features or which endanger the participants, attendees, library staff and patrons, or the community
– Illegal gambling activities
– Requests to use meeting room space will be taken on a first come, first served basis.
– Library sponsored events and programs take priority in scheduling use of the room.
– All meetings and programs held in library meeting rooms must be open to the public and the media.
– All meetings and programs must be free of charge with the exception of any fees collected as tuition for educational classes taught by established institutions or to recover costs of materials used in library sponsored programs.
– The first time that a group makes a reservation, a contact person with name, address, phone number, and e-mail address must be registered with the library. At this time the contact person will receive a copy of this policy.
– The leader or contact person will be responsible for the conduct of the group.
– Meeting rooms are generally available during normal library open hours and should be vacated 10 minutes before closing time, unless approval for an extended time is given by the Librarian. Persons using meeting room space at times when the Library is closed must stay confined to meeting room space and restroom areas. The group leader will be responsible for enforcing this policy.
– Groups wishing to use the meeting room on a regular basis may do so on a first come, first served basis, up to one year in advance.
– Young people may use the meeting room only when adult supervision is present and when an adult assumes responsibility for care and maintenance of the room. Only persons 18 years of age and older may make the reservation for the room.
– Groups will be responsible for setup before the meeting and must leave the room as it was found.
– Groups may serve refreshments and use kitchen facilities and are responsible for all cleanup and disposal of trash.
– Alcoholic beverages are not permitted at any time.
– All branches of the Northeast Regional Library are smoke-free environments. No smoking is allowed anywhere inside the buildings.
– Audio visual equipment inventory varies from branch to branch. The group leader must take responsibility for the operation and care of any library equipment used during the meeting.
– Use of the meeting rooms does not constitute sponsorship or endorsement of the users or the users’ beliefs by the Northeast Regional Library or the Library Board of Trustees. Advertisements or announcements implying or stating such endorsement are prohibited.
– The Northeast Regional Library will not be held responsible for the security of property owned by an individual or group using the meetings room. The library reserves the right to close the building in extremely bad weather or unforeseen emergencies.
This policy is not all-inclusive. Approval of individual meeting situations not described here will be determined by the Library Director, who is authorized to establish reasonable regulations governing use of meeting rooms.
The Northeast Regional Library strives to offer excellent library services to all. In addition to the quality of the facility and the collection, it is equally important that the library staff provide accurate, efficient, and friendly service at all times. Although we often view the customers as the clientele, it is important to remember that the customer, as a voter and taxpayer, is also the ultimate boss.
The customer service policy is the foundation for all staff interactions with the general public. All other library policies should be interpreted in light of the principles outlined below:
1. The library should offer the same quality of service to all regardless of age, race, sex, nationality, educational background, physical limitations, or any other criteria which may be the source of discrimination.
2. Customers should be treated as if they are the most important people in the world. They are!
3. Judgment calls should always be made in the customer’s favor. Mistakes should always be to the customer’s advantage. Staff will not be penalized for errors made in the good faith pursuit of this policy.
4. Customers should never be left without an alternative if a staff member is unable to comply with their request.
5. Staff members should be familiar with and be able to articulate library policies as well as explain the rationale behind them.
Demeanor is defined as the way a person looks, speaks, and acts, one’s manner of behavior toward others, a personal mode of expressing attitude. Nonverbal demeanor conveys attitude via facial expression and posture just as the tone of voice and choice of words affect a message.
In public library service institutions such as the library, it is imperative that every staff/customer interaction is a positive one for the customer. A friendly, helpful demeanor can often ensure a positive experience even when the message conveyed is not a pleasant one.
Staff members are expected to act in a friendly, helpful manner to ensure that the customer will walk away feeling that his or her experience with the library has been a positive one.
Personal conversations and personal telephone calls should be secondary to all customer transactions.
Each staff member, while at work, acts as a representative of the library to each person or group with whom she or he comes in contact. The impression made on the customer profoundly affects the library’s image and ongoing support.
The needs and requests of library customers must always be taken seriously and treated with respect. Equal consideration and treatment will be given to users within established guidelines and in a nonjudgmental environment.
All interactions and transactions between a library customer or group of customers and the library will be considered confidential and will be discussed only in a professional context. Such matters include, but are not limited to, registration information, materials selection, loan transaction records, reference questions, customer card status, etc. Staff should remember that, although the temptation to discuss or share difficult transactions at the public desk is great, such discussion should be limited to the staff lounge or private offices. These details are confidential as well.