New Children’s Books Funded by an LSTA Grant

New Children’s Books Funded by an LSTA Grant
You will be seeing many new Children’s book titles coming to your library in the coming weeks thanks to our receiving an LSTA Grant from the Institute of Musuem and Library Services.
Here are a few of those titles…
Rabbit Magic – Meg McLaren
A distinctive palette and a large cast of adorable rabbits adorn a lively story told in very few words. When a magic trick goes awry, the magician M. Lapin becomes a sad rabbit while his rabbit assistant, Houdini, becomes the star of the show. After trying increasingly spectacular tricks, Houdini realizes that someone else wants and deserves the spotlight, and in his most amazing trick ever, he restores M. Lapin to his former self. Generosity and teamwork—and of course magic—take center stage in this delightful debut.
Tommy Tummy Ache – Joseph T. Garcia | Illustrated by Chris Chatterton
Read as Tommy tries to get out of schoolwork by complaining of tummy aches and other made up maladies. Find out what happens on a class trip to Wild World in this fun and witty tale.
Pip the Little Penguin – Roger Priddy
Pip is a little penguin with a big imagination! Dissatisfied with being black and white, he asks his dad why he can’t be colorful, like orange orangutans, or pink flamingos, or red foxes. Through his discussion with his dad, follow Pip on his journey of discovery, meeting different animals and learning about color along the way, until he finally concludes (after meeting some pretty cool black-and-white creatures) that he’s fine just as he is. This warm and humorous rhyming story combined with the very best Alphaprint characters make this second Alphaprint picture book a joy to share with young children.
Birdy & Bou – David Bedford | Illustrated by Mandy Stanley
Bou loves the floating library. But – oh no! – his favourite book is missing. Who could have it?
A wonderfully vibrant picture book for young children about two of the best things in life – books and friends!
Bou the red-eared panda wakes up one morning and hears the toot-toot of the floating library. He’s excited to go and borrow his favourite book and rushes to the library boat, only to find that his book has already been lent out. He sets off to find whoever has borrowed it so they can share – and in the process makes a fantastic new friend.
With artwork in strong primary colours, and a fun, yet simple storyline, Birdy and Bou is perfect for fans of Maisy by Lucy Cousins.