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National Root Beer Float & Wiggle Your Toes Day

Published by Library Staff on

Suggested Family Activity • Thursday, August 6

Today is both National Root Beer Float Day and National Wiggle Your Toes Day so celebrate them both by wiggling your toes while you enjoy a nice, cold root beer float. To make a root beer float at home: Put a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a tall mug that you’ve put into the freezer until it feels ice-cold. Pour in some root beer and there you have it! This classic treat is loved by generations! Now, while you’re drinking your float, make sure to wiggle your toes. You can also celebrate Wiggle Your Toes Day by enjoying a walk in the fresh grass outside and thinking about how it feels. Is it soft? Does it tickle? Toes also like to play in the water. Splash them in a pool or your bathtub. How is the feeling of water different from the grass? Doesn’t it feel GREAT? If you’re feeling daring, try walking on rocks or a pebbly surface like a driveway to see how it feels. As an art project, draw an outline of your foot on a piece of paper and make your toes into something funny – animal faces, goofy expressions or just strange colors!

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