Suggested Family Activities
Fun and Creative Ideas for Your Family to Do at Home. New posts weekly.
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Suggested Family Activities
Fun and Creative Ideas for Your Family to Do at Home
It’s Tell a Fairy Tale Day
Today is National Tell a Fairy Tale Day, a perfect opportunity to gather your family and dive into the magical world of fairy tales. Whether you choose to share classic stories like Snow White and the Seven Dwarves or Rumpelstiltskin, or create your own enchanting tales, this day is all about celebrating the timeless art of storytelling. Share Classic Fairy Tales Start by telling familiar stories that everyone loves. Classics like Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Cinderella, and Rumpelstiltskin have captivated audiences for generations. These tales are not only entertaining but also offer valuable lessons and morals. Create Your Own Fairy Tales Encourage family members to unleash their creativity by making up their own fairy tales. This can be a fun and imaginative activity for everyone. Here are some prompts to get started: What if you were the main character? How would you handle the challenges and adventures? Change the setting: Would your story take place in a modern-day city, your own home, or a fantastical world? Time period: Is your tale set in the past, present, or future? Retell Your Favorite Fairy Tales Another engaging activity is to retell your favorite fairy tales with a twist. Imagine how the story would change if it were set in a different location or time period. For example: Snow White in a bustling metropolis: How would the story unfold in a modern city? Rumpelstiltskin in the digital age: How would the characters interact with today's technology? Benefits of Storytelling Sharing fairy tales is more than just fun; it also has numerous benefits: Enhances creativity: Crafting and retelling stories stimulates the imagination. Builds language skills: Listening to and telling stories improves vocabulary and communication skills. Strengthens family bonds: Storytelling is a wonderful way to connect with family members and create lasting memories. Conclusion National Tell a Fairy Tale Day is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the magic of storytelling with your family. Whether you choose to share classic... -
Suggested Family Activity • Send A Card to A Friend Day
Today is National Send a Card to a Friend Day so take some time to pick out a card and send some good cheer through the mail. You can use cards you purchase from a store, or make your own with paper, crayons, markers, and stickers. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, why not make a Valentine themed card? You can use white, pink, or red paper and decorate it with hearts, sweet messages such as “Thinking of You,” and anything else that speaks to your heart. -
Suggested Family Activity ❄️ Snowflake Craft
Try these easy ways to make snowflakes today: One way is with white coffee filters – just fold the filter in half a total of four times. Then cut a design on each side of the filter, using either regular or craft scissors. When you unfold it, your snowflake will be revealed. You can also cut snowflakes out of plain white copy paper and then follow the same instructions above. -
Suggested Family Activity ☃️ Snow Man Story
Try out these fun writing prompts today: Young children can draw a picture of a snowman and then make up a story about it. Did they make the snowman during a Snow Day from school? Does it talk or walk around? Older kids and adults can try out a different prompt: What if you were being followed down the street by a snowman that came to life? Would people believe you? What would happen? -
Suggested Family Activity ⭐💫✨ Stargazing
Stargazing, or looking up at the stars and constellations, is a fun family activity at any time, even during the winter. It is worth the trouble of bundling up in coats, hats, scarves, and mittens to experience the crisp and clear view of the night sky while it is not obstructed by the haziness caused by summer humidity. Plus, because the Earth has rotated, different planets are visible now than during the summer. NASA’s Night Sky Network offers plenty of tips for winter stargazing, including dressing in layers, wearing waterproof boots, and bringing along a hot drink. To view more of their tips, click here. -
Suggested Family Activity 📕📗📘 Library Shelfie Day
Today is Library Shelfie Day! What is Library Shelfie Day, you ask? It is a day set aside in January each year to give book lovers and book collectors a chance to share their personal libraries. Whether you collect first editions or equally love and treasure every dog-eared book you have ever owned, we would love to see pictures of your libraries! But if you don’t have many books at home, no problem! Visit one of our NERL branches and take a picture there. Share them with us at -
Suggested Family Activity ☕Crafty Cup of Hot Chocolate
To turn popsicle sticks into a crafty cup of hot chocolate: First, glue about eight craft sticks together into a square shape. You can use the colored variety or color plain popsicle sticks with crayons or markers. Next, cut an oval out of brown paper and glue the oval to the top of the square to represent the hot chocolate. Decorate the brown oval with small white circles to mimic marshmallows. Next, cut out a fat ‘C’ shape out of any color paper you have and glue it to the side of the square to be the cup’s handle. Finish off the cup by decorating the front of the cup with stickers or draw designs with crayons or markers. -
Suggested Family Activity 🐦 Pinecone Bird Feeder Craft
Winter weather is tough on area wildlife, particularly birds. To give them a nice treat during this dreary weather, make a Pinecone Bird Feeder. All you need is a pinecone, peanut butter, and twine, yarn, or string. To begin, tie your string around the top of the pinecone. Next, pour out birdseed in a bowl that is deep enough for the pinecone to fit. Spread peanut butter all over the pinecone and roll it in the birdseed. Tie it outside for the birds to find, hopefully near a window so that you can watch them enjoy their treat! See previous family activities on our website at #NERLibrary #NERLSFA #FamilyActivity #bird #birds #pineconebirdfeeder -
Suggested Family Activity • Save Energy
Celebrate National Cut Your Energy Costs Day this month by doing a few simple things around your house to help lower your energy bills. You can get the whole family involved – young children can be taught to do simple things like turning off lights when they leave a room. Even if they cannot reach the light switch, they can give older family members gentle reminders to turn off the lights. Other simple things that you can do to save money on your utility bills: Turn your thermostat down (or up, depending on the season) a few degrees. Run appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines only when they are full. Unplug appliances that are only used occasionally. Take shorter showers. Use old towels or fabric scraps to block drafts around doors and windows. -
Suggested Family Activity 📦 Organization
Start the new year by becoming more organized. Some great places to start include: Organize your pantry or kitchen shelves to make mealtime preparation go faster. Have each family member organize their clothes so that getting dressed in the morning and getting ready for bed at night go more smoothly. Encourage everyone to lay out the things they will need for the following day. Think about things like backpacks, bags, lunches, clothes, shoes, etc. -
Suggested Family Activities ❄️🚶Refreshing Cold Walk
Many people don't think of walking outside when the weather is colder, but if you bundle up, it can be a refreshing and invigorating experience. Taking a brisk walk is a great way to enjoy the beauty of the season while staying active. If you have young children, encourage them to notice how differently everything looks in winter compared to other seasons. Ask them questions like, "What looks differently now than in the summer?" or "How does the air feel on your face?" You might also prompt them to describe what they see, hear, and smell—like the crunch of leaves or snow underfoot, the bare tree branches, or the crisp, clean scent of winter air. Walking in the colder months not only boosts physical health but also provides an opportunity to connect with nature and create lasting memories with your family. Give it a try—you might be surprised by how much you enjoy it! -
Suggested Family Activity🎈NYE Balloon Stomp
Looking for some creative ways to entertain kids on New Year’s Eve? Have a balloon stomp! Blow up some small balloons and have fun watching as your kids jump, sit on, and stomp the balloons to pop them! Not only does it make a loud popping noise that children love, but it can be a good way to burn off energy. You could also hide small prizes, like quarters, inside the balloons. A fun alternative is to have children (or adults!) have a race with a balloon held between their knees. Or you could see who can pop balloons the fastest. If you have enough space, you could do this activity indoors but doing it outside will give kids lots of room to move around. -
Suggested Family Activity 🎄 Holiday Wreath & Tree Crafts
Make a holiday wreath out of a plain white paper pate by cutting out the middle of the plate in a circle so that the plate becomes a wreath. If you need a little help drawing a circle, use a smaller plate to draw around to create the opening. Color the wreath a solid color and then decorate on top of that with small artificial flowers (easily found at places like the Dollar Tree), stickers, designs cut from magazines or old greeting cards, or any other craft supplies you have. Turn a paper plate into a Christmas tree by cutting it apart into 3 wedges (imagine a watermelon slice). Glue the wedge pieces on top of each other with the fluted part of the plate pointing down and the pointy piece on the top. Then color the tree green and decorate it with stickers, sequins, beads, or any other craft supplies. You can also draw ornaments on a piece of paper and cut them out to glue on the tree. Using a piece of brown paper, finish off your tree with a square shaped piece on the bottom for the trunk. -
Suggested Family Activity 🎄 Candy Cane Christmas Ornament
It’s very easy to make a candy cane ornament with a skein each of red and white embroidery floss and a pipe cleaner. (You could also use yarn or cord in those colors – the thicker materials would also be easier for little fingers to grasp.) Take the paper wrapping off the skeins of floss and snip each looped end to make two bunches (but you’ll only be using one bunch of each color). Tie one bunch of red and one bunch of white in a single knot at the top of the pipe cleaner. Starting at the top, twist the colors around the pipe cleaner to make the candy cane stripes. When you get to the end, make another knot and trim either the floss or the pipe cleaner as necessary. Now all that is left is to bend the top into a hook shape and add a ribbon or yarn hanger. -
Suggested Family Activity 🖼️ Holiday Family Photos
Winter holidays give us a great opportunity to take beautiful pictures with our families. Take pictures of your family this year not just in front of a decorated tree, but other places as well, such as a holiday village if you have one or in front of a holiday wreath on your door. Don’t forget taking pictures outside too. Taking pictures at night in front of decorations that are bright with festive lights make beautiful photos. If you don’t have decorations in your home, most businesses in your town have put up beautiful decorations. Many will not mind someone snapping a quick picture! Most communities also have decorations on their streets and downtown areas as well. Also think about taking pictures of your family doing fun things like working on a gingerbread house, trying to fold a snowflake, or stringing popcorn to use as a decoration. See previous family activities on our website at #NERLibrary #NERLSFA #FamilyActivity -
Suggested Family Activity 🎍 Pinecone Christmas Ornament
To make a beautiful natural ornament for your tree, just pick up a pinecone on your next walk. First, tie a piece of string or yarn to the top to be the hanger. Next, paint the tips of the pinecone with craft glue and sprinkle glitter on the glue while it is wet. After the glue has dried, the ornament is ready to hang! For a more colorful ornament, you could substitute acrylic paint (thinned out with a little water) for the glue. You could also add other small decoration that might fit into the crevices of the pinecones such as silver balls (like the ones used for cake decorating), sequins, pom-poms, or small beads. -
Suggested Family Activity • National Mississippi Day
Tomorrow is National Mississippi Day! Mississippi is well known for being the home of wonderful writers, entertainers and athletes including Elvis Presley, B.B. King, Eudora Welty, John Grisham, Richard Wright, William Faulkner, Oprah Winfrey, Jim Henson, Robin Roberts, LeAnn Rimes, James Earl Jones, and Jerry Rice, just to name a few. How many famous Mississippians can you name? Mississippi is home of the Delta blues and the birthplace of the Civil Rights Movement, which can be explored online at To find out more about the Delta blues, visit their museum at Our state is full of beautiful scenery and natural wonders, such as those found along the 444-mile long Natchez Trace Parkway which runs through our area. This ancient pathway began first as a trail used by herds of bison and then was used by the hunting and gathering mound builders in the area. Later, it would become a passageway for those transporting goods from the northern U.S. to the river town of Natchez. To learn more about the Natchez Trace, visit their website at If you have young children, do they know how to spell Mississippi? If not, teach them the “M, I, crooked letter, crooked letter, I, crooked letter, crooked letter, I, humpback, humpback, I” rhyme that has been used for generations to teach children how the word is spelled. Another fact about Mississippi is that people all over the U.S. count seconds of time by saying, “One Mississippi, two Mississippi, etc”. No one knows why – it could be just that it is a fun word to say! -
Suggested Family Activity 🍁 Leaf Prints
Make decorative leaf prints today using just paint and paper. Head outside and look for a fallen leaf that has a pretty shape. Since you might get messy with this project, have fun working on it outside, such as on a sidewalk, porch, or other flat outdoor surface. Cover the area with newspapers, an old sheet, or plastic tablecloth to help with accidental spills and to make clean-up go faster. Start by using a paintbrush to coat one side of the leaf with paint, then press the leaf onto a piece of paper. Press down long enough to make sure all the paint transfers to the paper. Plain white paper will show the paint color to its best advantage, but you can experiment with colored construction paper to get different results. -
Suggested Family Activity 🍁🍂 Leaf Pile Obstacle Course
Leaves are falling everywhere! Try out some of these fun fall activities if the weather is nice enough to go outside: Rake up small piles of leaves around your yard to make an obstacle course. (This is also a great activity to get children involved in helping with leaf pick up – let them have some fun with the leaves first and then help get them all picked up!) Scatter the piles of leaves in straight lines or zigzag them around your yard so that the children must change direction frequently. You can even make some piles taller than others to increase the difficulty. Children can race the obstacle course over and over to see how long it takes them. Some people like to use large pieces of carboard, a tarp, or an old sheet to gather their leaves. If you use that method, let your kids have fun playing with the leaves before you get rid of them. Put a small (or large) number of leaves on the tarp or sheet and then fling them all back in the air for your kids to catch. Sure, it’s a little extra work, but the kids will really love it! -
Suggested Family Activity 🎳 Turkey Bowling Pins
Make Turkey Bowling Pins today by turning a plastic drink cup such as a red Dixie cup into a turkey by gluing on a triangle nose, googly eyes, and feathers sticking off the back. Make it at least 6 pins and then let your family take turns setting them up and knocking them over with a ball. To turn it into a STEM activity for younger children, have them start with small bouncy balls to see if they are strong enough to knock the pins over and work their way up to larger balls such as a soccer ball or basketball. -
Suggested Family Activity 🌳Tree Craft
Look around your kitchen this week and see what interesting things you can use to make a fall tree. One idea is to draw a tree trunk on a piece of paper and glue small round breakfast cereal pieces (such as Cheerios) to represent falling leaves. Another fun idea is to trace your child’s arm and hand with their fingers spread out onto black or brown paper to be the trunk and limbs of the tree. If you only have white paper available though, no worries! Just trace it and have your kids color the tree trunk. You can make falling leaves for your tree by tearing up small pieces of tissue paper, crepe paper, or even regular paper in fall colors such as yellow, red, and orange. Crumple and scrunch each piece to make it look like a falling leaf. -
Suggested Family Activity 🎂🍰 Cake Pans
Did you know our Iuka branch has cake pans you can check out to use? In addition to basic sheet pans and tiered pans, they have other fun shapes such as stars, circle, a round hemisphere, and a bowl shape. Thanksgiving themed ones include a cornucopia, a football, and two different turkeys. For Christmas, they have a Christmas teddy bear, a tree, a wreath, a holiday house, a Santa face, and several snowmen. Most of the pans are aluminum (many are the legendary Wilton brand, although a few are made from plastic). If you check one out, we would love to see your creation. Send it to and we will post it on our website. Below you’ll see a birthday cake NERL Administrative Assistant/Branch Services Coordinator Leigh Hood recently made with two sizes of heart-shaped pans. -
Suggested Family Activity 🦃 Turkey Prints
If you and your children like to make crafts out of the imprints of their hands and feet, you can easily turn your child’s hand into a Thanksgiving turkey. Paint the palm of their hand and their thumb with a thick layer of brown acrylic paint and then paint each finger a different color such as orange, red, yellow ,and green to be the feathers. Press the hand firmly onto a sheet of paper to leave an imprint. When the paint has dried, add in finishing details such as eyes, a beak, a wattle, and feet. Check out our picture below for inspiration. Here is a cute poem you can type out to put with your turkey picture as well: This Isn’t Just a Turkey As Anyone Can Plainly See. I Made It with My Hand Which is a Part of Me. It Comes with Lots of Love, Especially to Say, I Hope You Have A Very Happy Thanksgiving Day! -
Suggested Family Activity 🔤 The Thankful Alphabet Game
Play the Thankful Alphabet game today: The first player starts with the letter A and names something that begins with that letter that they are thankful for, such as Apples. The next person takes the letter B and so on. Keep going until every letter has been used. (Let us know what you come up with for X and Z!) To turn this into a memory game, you could do the same thing but each person after the first must repeat what the other person named. For example, if the first person said they were grateful for “Apples”, the second person would say, “Our family is grateful for Apples and Bananas” and so on. -
Suggested Family Activity 🎃 Pumpkin Bowling
If you are looking for a fun way to get rid of your jack o lantern, try out Pumpkin Bowling: Cut the stem off a small, round pumpkin. Set up ten (or less if you want) items like bowling pins in a staggered triangle shape. You can use gourds, plastic bottles filled with a small amount of water, sand, or rocks to make them stand up, or anything else your family will enjoy knocking over! Roll the stem-less pumpkin towards the items to see how many you can knock over. (You will probably want to do this activity outside as it can get very messy.) -
Suggested Family Activity 👣 Frankenstein Feet
Create spooky Frankenstein Feet with your child’s help! Follow these fun and easy steps: Paint the Feet: Apply a thick layer of green acrylic paint to the bottom of your child’s foot. Make the Imprint: Have them step onto a sheet of paper to leave a green footprint. Add Details: Once the green paint is dry, use black paint and a paintbrush to draw stitch marks, bolts, and paint in the toes to create Frankenstein’s hair. Draw the Face: Use a black marker or paint to add eyebrows and a squiggly line for the mouth. Add a small white paint dot for the eye, and once it’s dry, finish with a small black circle for the pupil. This Frankenstein Feet craft is a perfect Halloween activity that’s both creative and fun for kids. Enjoy making spooky memories! 👣🎃 -
Suggested Family Activity 🔥 Bonfire
As the weather cools down, plan a cozy family night outside with a backyard bonfire. Here’s how to make the most of your evening: Set Up Safely: Choose a safe location for your bonfire, such as a fire pit or an old grill. Roast Hot Dogs: Enjoy a simple and delicious supper by roasting hot dogs over the fire. Make S’mores: Don’t forget everyone’s favorite treat—s’mores! Or simply toast big marshmallows by themselves. Sweet Treats: If you have a sweet tooth, this is the perfect time of year to make candy apples or caramel apples. Warm Drinks: After eating, finish off the night with hot chocolate or hot apple cider. Stargazing: Pull up your lawn chairs and cozy blankets to stargaze and enjoy the beautiful night sky. You might even catch a glimpse of a big, orange Harvest Moon. This bonfire night is a perfect way to enjoy the fall season with your family. Happy stargazing! 🔥🍂🌕 -
Suggested Family Activity 🍁🍂 Autumn Tree Craft
Looking for a fun and creative autumn craft? Try making a cute Autumn Tree with your family! Follow these simple steps: Prepare the Paper Links: Cut paper links in fall leaf colors like gold, yellow, red, and orange, similar to making a traditional paper chain. Glue each link together individually instead of forming a long chain. Create the Tree Trunk: Cut a wide strip of brown paper for the tree’s trunk and glue it onto a sheet of paper. Assemble the Tree: Glue each paper link individually in a cloud formation at the top of the trunk until you have a full and beautiful autumn tree. This Autumn Tree Craft is a perfect way to celebrate the fall season and enjoy some quality family time. Happy crafting! 🍁🍂 -
Suggested Family Activity 🎃 Pumpkin Seeds
How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds: A Delicious Halloween Snack When you carve your pumpkin for Halloween, don’t throw away the seeds! Pumpkin seeds make a fantastic sweet or savory snack for your family, depending on the seasonings you choose. Follow these simple steps to roast pumpkin seeds to perfection: Clean the Seeds: Start by washing the seeds in a colander to remove all the pulp. Dry the Seeds: Pat the seeds dry with a towel. Season the Seeds: Toss the seeds in a bowl with olive oil or melted butter, salt, and garlic powder. Feel free to experiment with other seasonings like cinnamon, black pepper, paprika, dill, or onion powder. Roast the Seeds: Spread the seasoned seeds on a baking sheet. Roast them in the oven at 350°F (175°C) for up to 15 minutes, tossing the seeds every 5 minutes. Check for Doneness: When the seeds turn golden brown, they are ready to enjoy! Roasted pumpkin seeds are a healthy and tasty treat that your family will love. Happy Halloween! 🎃 -
Suggested Family Activity 🎃 Halloween Tic Tac Toe
Looking for a fun and creative way to get into the Halloween spirit? Try this combination drawing project and game: Halloween Tic Tac Toe! Draw the Board: Start by drawing a Tic Tac Toe board on a piece of paper. Decorate: Add Halloween-themed decorations around the edges, such as pumpkins, bats, spiders, and other spooky symbols. Choose Your Markers: Use inexpensive bat or spider plastic rings or toy pieces from the dollar store as place markers. Alternatively, you can use pennies, small rocks, or other small trinkets you have at home. This activity is perfect for a family game night and adds a festive touch to your Halloween celebrations. Enjoy the fun and creativity of Halloween Tic Tac Toe! 🎃👻 -
Suggested Family Activity ⚽ National Outdoor Sports Day
Get creative and try some of these unusual outdoor games today for National Outdoor Sports Day: Play shaving cream Twister by adding shaving cream mixed with food coloring to the dots. Play Sardines – one person hides and everyone else tries to find them. When each person does find the one hiding, they quietly join them until only one person is left searching. Then that person becomes the one who hides. Have races while walking like various animals, such as crabs, horses, elephants, etc.
Suggested Family Activities
Fun and Creative Ideas for Your Family to Do at Home.
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