Book Giveaways on Social Media
If you use social media, follow your local library branch on Facebook for our occasional advance reader book giveaways!
If you use social media, follow your local library branch on Facebook for our occasional advance reader book giveaways!
Tirzah Price | Book Riot Dec 27, 2022 My favorite part of any new year is taking the time to set up my new reading log to track my reading for each year. It’s always a joy to craft and refine this Sheets-based log for better reading tracking, and it Read more…
It’s SEW Cute! Sewing at the Corinth Library On Wednesday, November 16 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., the Corinth Library will host an Introductory Sewing class. Staff will demonstrate how to thread a machine, sew both a straight and a zigzag stitch, and demonstrate how to make an applique Read more…
My daughter LOVES Halloween. Me? Not so much. But one year, I couldn’t help getting caught up in the energy she was emitting as the season approached. She and her two co-workers would giggle and chat and recite lines from various Halloween movies, all the while planning how they were Read more…
September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month! If you do not have a library card from one of your local library branches, we encourage you to stop by one today to sign up! Getting a library card is FREE and easy – all you need are a picture ID Read more…
The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera Time travel, a new planet, and a dystopian plot, what more could you ask for? The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera is about a 12-year-old girl, Petra, that must leave her planet with her brother and parents who are scientists. She dreams Read more…
August Early Literacy Giveaway! Northeast Regional Library branches are giving away wide ruled paper sheets this month to help young children learn writing skills. If your child is just learning to hold a crayon or pencil, try lightly drawing straight and curving lines for them to trace over with their Read more…
Don’t forget to checkout our Award Winning Suggested Family Activities! Fun and Creative Ideas for Your Family to Do at Home. 🏆 2021 Jane Smith Literacy Award Winner 🏆 2021 Library of Congress Award Winner
Visit our YouTube channel to watch Virtual Story Times read by our librarians. This month we have Punxsutawney Phyllis by Susanna Leonard Hill and Double Trouble Groundhog Day by Bethany Roberts
The Euphorigen Investigation is an escape room that immerses players in a world of manipulated media, social media bots, deepfakes and other forms of deception. Featuring both an online and in-person version to help patrons navigate misinformation, Euphorigen was designed by faculty, staff, and students at the University of Washington Information School in Read more…