Northeast Regional Library Blog

Suggested Family Activity ⚽ National Outdoor Sports Day

Get creative and try some of these unusual outdoor games today for National Outdoor Sports Day: Play shaving cream Twister by adding shaving cream mixed with food coloring to the dots. Play Sardines – one person hides and everyone else tries to find them.  When each person does find the one hiding, they quietly join them until only one person is left searching.  Then that person becomes the one who hides. Have races while walking Read more…

Suggested Family Activity 🍽️ Eat Better, Eat Together Month

October is National Eat Better, Eat Together Month.  This month, families are encouraged to gather at the same table to enjoy mealtimes.  When people eat meals together (as opposed to grabbing snacks at different times or individual meals ‘on the go’), they tend to eat healthier and make better food choices.  So make it a priority to eat at least one meal together as a family this month.  Eating together is also a great way Read more…

Suggested Family Activity 👻 Ghost Craft

Turning a sucker into a ghostly treat is a classic Halloween craft project.  All you need is a sucker with a round top, such as a Tootsie Pop or Dum-Dum, a white coffee filter or tissue paper and a small piece of string or yarn.  Place the white filter or tissue paper around the sucker and tie the yarn around the bottom of the rounded part of the sucker to create the ghost’s head.  Then, Read more…

Suggested Family Activity 🧟 Zombie Tag

During this season of scary stories and tales of monsters, play this fun variation on a classic outdoor game- zombie tag.  Choose one person to be the ‘zombie’ (or ‘it’) and everyone else (the ‘humans’) try to run away from the zombie.  As with typical zombies, the zombie cannot run and must walk around like their best imitation of a TV show zombie.  Once a human gets tagged, they turn into a zombie too.  Whoever Read more…

Suggested Family Activity 🍎 Apple Craft

Turn a plain white paper plate into an apple today by coloring it red and attaching a brown paper stem and a green leaf.  Cut out small black oblong shapes for the seeds.  For a variation that’s great for toddlers, tear up pictures of red paper into small pieces and then let them glue the pieces back onto the paper plate (or a blank sheet of paper).  In addition to helping them learn how to Read more…

Suggested Family Activity 🦺 Home Safety Inspection

Fall is also a great time to perform a Safety Inspection on your home.  Test your fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide detectors and replace the batteries.  Make sure young children have their first and last names, address, and an adult’s phone number memorized in case of emergency and that they know how to operate a phone to dial 911.  Have young children memorize Stop, Drop and Roll if they should get fire on Read more…

Suggested Family Activity 🦜🏴‍☠️ It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day

Get ready to pull out some pirate lingo today – it’s Talk Like a Pirate Day. According to the website Grammarly, some popular pirate words to use today include “ahoy” when you want to greet someone or call their attention to something or “shiver me timbers” when something exciting happens.  If you want to talk about your friends, you call them “mateys” and you can use both “yarr” and “yo ho ho” just about any Read more…

Suggested Family Activity 🥞 Better Breakfast Month

September is Better Breakfast Month.  Taking time to eat breakfast can have helpful health benefits, as many nutritionists believe that starting your day by eating a regular morning meal can help control weight by setting a pattern of eating smaller, healthy meals throughout the day.  Eating first thing in the morning also gives our bodies energy to get through our day.  Children who have a healthy breakfast before school often think more clearly and behave Read more…

Suggested Family Activity 🎾🎈 Outdoor Games

Try some of these fun outdoor games today: Play tennis with clean fly swatters and balloons. Play shaving cream Twister by adding shaving cream mixed with food coloring to the dots. Play Sardines – one person hides and everyone else tries to find them.  When each person does find the one hiding, they quietly join them until only one person is left searching.  Then that person becomes the one who hides. Have races while walking Read more…

Suggested Family Activity 🐻 It’s National Teddy Bear Day

Today is National Teddy Bear Day so let us see your favorite teddy bear!  Did you know Teddy Bears were inspired by an event that happened in Mississippi?  In 1902, President Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt was on a hunting trip in Mississippi and refused to shoot a bear cub that was tied up to make it easier.  A cartoonist made fun of the incident, a New York store owner saw a way to make money, and Read more…