Northeast Regional Library Blog

Edu Links: MacKids School Library

MacKids School Library GET READY FOR A NEW SCHOOL YEAR WITH TINKERACTIVE! ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A CLASSROOM SET OF WORKBOOKS + DOWNLOAD FREE PRINTABLE LESSONS AND WORKSHEETS! TinkerActive Workbooks from MacKids School Library provides math and science workbooks to download for learning at home Here are additional weekly activity kits from MacKids School Library.

Global Sleep Under the Stars Night

Suggested Family Activity • Friday, August 7 Tomorrow is Global Sleep Under the Stars Night. You can celebrate by having a camp out in your own backyard this weekend and taking time to look up at the stars. Gazing up at the night sky can feel very peaceful as you appreciate the wonder of space. If you don’t want to put up a tent, you can put out blankets or sleeping bags in your yard Read more…

The Music We Listen to In Our Teens and Twenties Really Does Stick With Us For Life

The Music We Listen to In Our Teens and Twenties Really Does Stick With Us For Life The music we listen to between the ages of ten and 30 could give us memories that stay with us throughout our lives, according to UK research. Published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, the new research was carried out by teams from the University of Westminster and City University of London and used data from Britain’s longest-running Read more…

Tune In to a Virtual Concert This Summer

Tune In to a Virtual Concert This Summer a roundup from School Library Journal Summer is the season when music lovers usually head to festivals and outdoor concerts to enjoy live entertainment from their favorite artists and orchestras. With concert halls shuttered and performance stages closed due to the ongoing pandemic, musicians are adapting their events and virtually sharing their tunes. Many artists, orchestras, and festivals are livestreaming concerts and recording digital music experiences to entertain Read more…

See and Hear the Human Brain

See and Hear the Human Brain in a Way You’ve Never Experienced It Before! The video pairs the hi-res imagery of more than 100 hours of MRI scans with an excerpt from the album Chapel by the US electronic musician and music-cognition researcher Grace Leslie, in which she converts her brainwaves into music.

BLM Virtual Reading Room

BLM Virtual “Reading Room” is a gorgeously made educational room with links to educational videos, read alouds, and more! (Note: Despite all our digging, we can’t figure out who made this and shared it with the public, nor can anyone else we follow. When we find out, we’ll let you all know!)

National Root Beer Float & Wiggle Your Toes Day

Suggested Family Activity • Thursday, August 6 Today is both National Root Beer Float Day and National Wiggle Your Toes Day so celebrate them both by wiggling your toes while you enjoy a nice, cold root beer float. To make a root beer float at home: Put a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a tall mug that you’ve put into the freezer until it feels ice-cold. Pour in some root beer and there you Read more…