Northeast Regional Library Blog

Suggested Family Activity • National Paul Bunyan Day

Suggested Family Activities: National Paul Bunyan Day Today is National Paul Bunyan Day, a day to remember the tall tale of Paul Bunyan and his big blue ox Babe.   The giant lumberjack with tremendous strength is one of the most famous figures in North American folklore.  To read up on Paul Bunyan and Babe, check out the children’s books Paul Bunyan, A tall Tale by Steven Kellogg (also available in Spanish) or The Bunyans by Read more…

Suggested Family Activities: Duck Duck Goose

Suggested Family Activities: Duck Duck Goose If you can find enough players this weekend, another classic game to try out is Duck, Duck, Goose.  All players start off sitting in a circle on the floor.  One person is picked to start off the game as the Tapper.  The Tapper walks around the outside of the circle and lightly taps each seated player on the head, saying “Duck” with each tap until he or she randomly Read more…

Suggested Family Activities: Story Times

Suggested Family Activities: Story Times Join us here LIVE at 2PM today for Virtual Story Time!  Our Library Director, Dee Hare, will be reading Duck on a Tractor by David Shannon Have you checked out any of our Summer Reading Program Story Times yet?  Various NERL staff are reading (either live or through recordings) lots of animals books this summer – one per day!  “Farm Tale” recordings already available include Leigh Hood reading Hensel & Gretel: Read more…

Suggested Family Activities: Animal Crafts

Suggested Family Activities: Animal Crafts If your kids love to use play dough or clay to make things, have them mold and create their own animals today.  They can stick to familiar ones from around your home, such as favorite pets or the animals you see in your yard.   In the spirit of our “Farm Tales” this week, they could also make a variety of farm animals, such as a chicken with a nest of Read more…

Suggested Family Activity: Pig Snorting Contest

Suggested Family Activity: Pig Snorting Contest Since we are learning about farm animals this week, have a Pig Snorting Contest today! Gather all your family and friends and have each person take a turn making their best pig snort. Then, decide who has the best snort! Different categories could be Silliest Snort, Loudest Snort, Funniest Snort, or even Least Like a Pig Snort. You could have the same contest with other animal sounds, such as Read more…

Suggested Family Activity: Summer Reading Daylight Appreciation

Suggested Family Activity: Summer Reading National Daylight Appreciation Day Today is National Daylight Appreciation Day – a day that inspires people to take advantage of the positive benefits of sunshine.  It is always held on the Summer Solstice – the longest day of daylight we will see here in the northern hemisphere.  There are many ways you can enjoy the sun – from going outside for a short walk to finding ways to let sunlight Read more…

Suggested Family Activity: Summer Reading Scholastic Activities

Suggested Family Activity: Summer Reading Scholastic Activities Scholastic, one of the leading publishers of children’s books, is offering lots of FREE activities on their website this summer!  You will find reading challenges, free e-book access for titles to read and watch, author read-aloud programs, and other special virtual events starring your favorite Scholastic characters.  To check out this free resource this summer, visit If you have always wanted to learn to draw, let the Read more…

Suggested Family Activity: Summer Reading Activity Packets!

Suggested Family Activity: Summer Reading Activity Packets! For the next two weeks, our Summer Reading Program activity packets for ages 6 and under and ages 7 to 11 will have the supplies to make a farm animal out of a brown lunch bag.  You will be randomly given pieces to make either a pig, cow, bunny, or duck so pick one up today!  The content creators at DLTK Crafts for Kids have turned a paper Read more…

Suggested Family Activities: Summer Reading Game Farmer May I

Suggested Family Activities Summer Reading Game: Farmer May I Play this variation of the classic game Mother, May I this week … but since we are celebrating all the animals found on farms, have the Farmer calling out the steps instead of ‘Mother’.  This game can be played with several players or with just two.   Before you begin, you will need to pick a starting point and a finish line for the players.  The person Read more…

Suggested Family Activity: Summer Reading and Nature Photography Day

Suggested Family Activity: Summer Reading and Nauture Photography Day Have you checked out one our Summer Reading Program Story Walks yet?  Story Walks are outdoor reading experiences where a children’s book is presented via plastic signs at various points along a walking trail.  Participants walk the trial, stopping at each sign to read the pages of the story.  NERL is proud to partner with our local communities to present Story Walks at walking trails in Read more…