Library SnapShot Day 2020
Library SnapShot Day 2020 It may have looked a little different… but that’s ok!
Library SnapShot Day 2020 It may have looked a little different… but that’s ok!
MacKids School Library GET READY FOR A NEW SCHOOL YEAR WITH TINKERACTIVE! ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A CLASSROOM SET OF WORKBOOKS + DOWNLOAD FREE PRINTABLE LESSONS AND WORKSHEETS! TinkerActive Workbooks from MacKids School Library provides math and science workbooks to download for learning at home Here are Read more…
Suggested Family Activity • Friday, August 7 Tomorrow is Global Sleep Under the Stars Night. You can celebrate by having a camp out in your own backyard this weekend and taking time to look up at the stars. Gazing up at the night sky can feel very peaceful as you Read more…
Suggested Family Activity • Thursday, August 6 Today is both National Root Beer Float Day and National Wiggle Your Toes Day so celebrate them both by wiggling your toes while you enjoy a nice, cold root beer float. To make a root beer float at home: Put a scoop of Read more…
Coronavirus Disease 2019 Since it was first detected in Wuhan, China in December, COVID-19 (commonly referred to as simply “coronavirus”) has spread to other countries, including the United States. Cases of the virus have been reported across the country, with some areas declaring a state of emergency. As such, it’s Read more…
Mississippi On December 10, 1817, Mississippi was officially recognized as the 20th state in the United States of America. Mississippi joined the Union as the 20th state in 1817 and gets its name from the Mississippi River, which forms its western border. Early inhabitants of the area that became Mississippi Read more…
Holiday TV Schedule 2019 It’s time for Christmas to have its annual TV takeover. That starts with one parade (New York City on Thanksgiving morning) and continues through another (Disney parks on Christmas morning), four weeks later. In between are cartoons, competitions, music and movies. Lots of movies, actually. In a Read more…
September is Library Card Sign-up Month! This month, Disney’s Toy Story has teamed up with the American Library Association (ALA) to promote the value of a library card. Library cards give you unlimited access to knowledge through books, movies, databases, programming, and more! We want to see YOUR library card during September! Read more…
Jerry Lee Lewis Record Display We have a great selection of Jerry Lee Lewis memorabilia on display at the Corinth Library!